A disability certificate allows differently-abled people access to things they would otherwise find too difficult. It brings them closer to facilities they can use for themselves to be at par with the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Criteria for getting a disability certificate

Any person suffering with a disability is eligible to apply for a disability certificate. It is ideally offered post Medical board evaluations which evaluate the disability of the individual on the following criteria. 

  1. The person must have a minimum of 35% mental or physical handicap.
  2. The person must have an orthopedic disability of minimum of 40%
  3. In the case of those who are deaf, the disability percentage must be between 90db and 100db.
  4. Visual impairment has to be more than 90%.

Procedure for the application of disability certificate

  1. The guardian or parent of the differently-abled child must collect the form available with the Superintendent/in-charge of Medical colleges and hospitals and Civil hospitals.
  2. The intending person should apply by filling the form in the prescribed manner, duly filled alongside relevant documents
  3. If the applicant is illiterate, the superintendent or in-charge will assist him/her in filling the form followed by the thumb impression of the applicant.
  4. In case of persons with mental retardation, autism, cerebral palsy, etc. the parent/guardian can sign the application form
  5. Once the form is received by the hospital, it will be forwarded to the Department of Medical College or Joint Director of the district.
  6. The concerned doctors will evaluate the disability of the individual after which a report will be generated. This report will issue the necessary certificate.
  7. In the case of multiple disabilities, the application would be forwarded to the district Medical board for further examination and issuance of the certificate.

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